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    Thursday, November 13, 2008

    Veterans Assembly- OVER! Craziness...still my BFF!

    My life can get back to life as we knew it before...almost to normal, or as normal as our life can be! I think I am speaking in circles...anyway, Monday night we spent (we being the enitre Smith family) a good portion of our evening at school, cutting laminated bookmarks (that I had so copiously designed with the names of the veterans in the school and church community...), folding programs, and setting last minute details. It was all worth it- because the rogram went off without a htich. the choruses were beautiful, the verteran speakers were great and overall, it was awesome! I was especially proud of my middle school writers that won the essay contest at school and read their essays during the assembly. They rocked!
    So, this morning, rather than digging into the piles of grading I have ignored for weeks while planning this assemly, I started to plan my next event: middle school Drama play!!!: "Doc, Doc, Goose"- yep! A spoof on Mother Goose's nursery rhymes...should be fun...something else to consume my time until February!
    So- yesterday in honor of mommy being home- I made dinner. and tonight, I did not. Caelin made breakfast.
    Delaney has the flu.
    Back to life in its crazy roller coaster ride. i don't even need a project to ride this one!

