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    Sunday, November 23, 2008

    So we made it to Florida. I thought for sure that we were staying in Georgia. I cleaned my house. I scrubbed base boards. I planned meals. Shoppped for food.
    And then Friday morning I learned he can get the van fixed for $1000 cheaper using his dad's mechanic.
    We spend most of Friday night and all day Saturday getting ready to leave.
    It's almost comical.
    Actually, I really like my in-laws. They are easy to get along with and my kids love going to their house, so it all works/ Now I am the Nazi mom who is trying to patrol the Cartoon Network (we have no cable- so my boys turn into cable freaks whenver we get down here- I am trying to rectify that!)...and I sat down with mother-in-law and planned a totally different meal.
    My roller coaster life.
    On another note, I think I am getting old. I sit here and peruse the Black Firday adds that were scanned early (like Black Friday Black Market ads?), deciding what great thing each kid is going to get this year, and I am TIRED. I can remember getting so excited about shopping on Black Friday (I think it was the first year we could actually spend money- where we weren't DEAD BROKE!). Now, I am exhausted and It is isn't even Monday yet. I haven't even opened the Black Friday ads in a feverish excitement, after stuffing myself with a Thanksigiving meal....I am sitting in front of a computer screen, and quite frankly, none of it looks like something I want to get up at 3 am for....
    But I will. It's a tradition around here.
    Back to my meal planning, coupon clipping, and random grading (sorry, I ahve a ton to do- I had to grade over break!)

