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    Friday, April 10, 2009

    Hardest Job

    I frequently visit the blog, The One Minute Writer. I will use the prompt given in my classroom as journal topics. That being said, I saw a prompt that interested me: "What is the hardest job?"

    Hardest job? At first response it is being a mother, a working mother, with four children who actively volunteers at her church. But then, upon reflection, that seems a little self-centered. Maybe it is the guilt I feel because I don't necessarily do the best on either.

    No, I think the hardest job is being Christian in today's world. I spend every morning in Bible study talking with my 6th graders the hardships we face as Christians in today's world, and yet how important it is to let Christ's light shine in us. It is hard for them- and as I keep sharing with them- it is no easy street for me either.

    It is so hard.

    It is human nature not to want to stand out. Standing up for Christ often means standing up and being noticed as separate and that is so stinking hard. It is hard not to do what I want to do, but to do what I ought to do (I sound like Paul there!). It is hard to bear the fruits of the Spirit- to say the right, kind thing, the be patient, to be faithful. And there are days I just don't want to do any of it. How many of us wake up some mornings and just want to do all the wrong things- because they just are more fun and feel better?

    It is a constant struggle for me. And to add to that job, I have been commissioned to share the Gospel. So I have to stand up for Christ AND share the Gospel, not only in my actions, but in my words. It's a total package.

    That is the hardest job for me. Showing Christ's light in me, bringing glory to God in all I say and do, and trying in everything I do to share this life-giving message of the Gospel. Hardest job ever- that really requires the strength of God. Good thing I am connected!

