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    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Those very cool GOD moments

    Last weekend, I presented a workshop at the LEA Convocation [which to all you non-Lutheran teachers is the National Lutheran teachers conference held every three years.]

    My journey began over two years ago when I decided after much back and forth conversation with God that I would submit a proposal to submit. I had never taught in a school that attended the LEA Convocation and I SOOOOO wanted to what better way to go than to present? My father-in-law helped me with the proposal, and after an agonizing 5 months, I learned that I was in!!!!!

    God is so mysterious in his ways, and in my life I have learned that when I try to do things my way HE turns events around. and he did. I panicked until the very end. I used a buddy pass (flew stand by) to get to Cincinnati, scrambled and begged to find (literally) funds to support my journey, and watched God worked his miracles, all the while noticing that none of it was because I had done anything. ALL happened because he worked his wonders.

    Sharon and Carilise helped fund my way to Cincinnati, and Sharon had one request: give Gordon Stueckert a hug. I had never met Gordon; he was the founding principal of my school so I walked by his portrait every morning, but I had never met him. And, find him? In a crowd of 15,000? By Friday night, that seemed impossible, especially when I was leaving Saturday. So my prayer that night as I fell asleep was simply, "God, only you can cross my path with Gordon. I promised Sharon I would give him a hug."

    Lo, and behold, and I am signing in for my presentation Saturday morning, whose name tag is at my eye level? Gordon's!!! I started jumping and yelping!!! "God answered my prayer!!! He did it! You are Gordon!!"

    He must have thought I was crazy. Once I introduced myself though, I did give him a hug, and even better, I took a picture and instantly tagged Sharon via Faceboook. One of those times I LOVE social networking!!

    I still get chills when think about my Gordon God moment, and the cool thing is, God was all over my trip. Four job offers, someone to design my website; the sky is the limit- I just need to let go and let God be GOD!!!!

